Samstag, 11. Dezember 2010

Evidence braucht keine Liebe, er gibt sie.

Mr Slowflow von den Dilated Peoples hatte anlässlich des 30. Todestages John Lennons (8.12.2010) ein Beatles Projekt in Arbeit. Nun ist die 9 Track starke EP namens "I don't need Love" wohl im Netz gelandet und EV wünscht uns allen viel Spaß damit!
As many of you know my intention was to release a track for you on my birthday. Somewhere between the files being sent to get mixed and mastered and sent back to me the entire project was leaked. I don't know how the files were obtained but at this point there isn't anything I can do to control the spread of the project so please enjoy it in it's entirety. "I Don't Need Love" - Evidence
Na dann, ran an die Buletten und downloaden. Featuregäste sind Fashawn, Rakaa, Alchemist und Oh No. Den Track "The World" könnt ihr euch hier schon mal anhören:

Evidence feat. Oh No - The World by pixelsamurai

Hier der Download-Link:

Evidence bei MySpace:

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