Mr Slowflow von den Dilated Peoples hatte anlässlich des 30. Todestages John Lennons (8.12.2010) ein Beatles Projekt in Arbeit. Nun ist die 9 Track starke EP namens "I don't need Love" wohl im Netz gelandet und EV wünscht uns allen viel Spaß damit!
As many of you know my intention was to release a track for you on my birthday. Somewhere between the files being sent to get mixed and mastered and sent back to me the entire project was leaked. I don't know how the files were obtained but at this point there isn't anything I can do to control the spread of the project so please enjoy it in it's entirety. "I Don't Need Love" - EvidenceNa dann, ran an die Buletten und downloaden. Featuregäste sind Fashawn, Rakaa, Alchemist und Oh No. Den Track "The World" könnt ihr euch hier schon mal anhören:
Evidence feat. Oh No - The World by pixelsamurai
Hier der Download-Link:
Evidence bei MySpace:
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